Susukan Urban Village Musrenbang Prioritize Artificial Lake and School Construction
Reported by Nurito | Translated by Rizky Mawardi
The artificial lake and high school building constructions become the priority proposal proposed by residents during the development forum (musrenbang) of Susukan Urban Village, Ciracas, East Jakarta, Tuesday (2/18).
Hopefully the proposals can be realized in 2025 and 2026
East Jakarta Assistant of Administration and Community Welfare, Achmad Salahudin, hopes all resident's proposals can be realized.
Three Proposals from Untung Jawa Island Entered at Sub-district Level"Hopefully the proposals can be realized in 2025 and 2026 based on resident's needs," he said.
Susukan Urban Village Head, Andri Priwitama Maila stated there are two physical developments needed by the residents namely artificial lake construction.
Then the second proposals is construction of school building on land owned by PT Lotte Shopping Indonesia on Jalan Supriyadi by 7,000 square meters. The land has been handed over to Jakarta Provincial Government.
"The land has been surveyed by Jakarta City Council's Commission
E Chairman Muhammad Thamrin and his ranks," he stated.He added that previously the proposals have been discussed at province level and hopefully can be realized.
"There are only SDN Susukan 01-09, one SMPN, and one private SMK. That's why residents need state SMA or SMK building," he added.
Jakarta City Council Member, Muhammad Thamrin explained his side has studied the proposals. He hopes it can be realized.
"The proposals of table tennis, book shelf, hadroh and others can be proposed through city council recess," he stated.
As for information, there are 35 proposals through the forum development namely 27 physicals and eight non-physicals.